Five Editing Tips for Young Writers

So you love to write, you’ve finished your first draft of a short story (or maybe something longer) – but how do you make your work as good as it can be? A circle of writing friends to nurture and critique your work is fairly important, because we all reach a point where we think our work is as good as it can be, and we can’t see potential weaknesses ay more. But there are a few things you can do for yourself as you start to edit your first draft: The ‘was’ edit! Do a search for the word ‘was’ and replace, where possible, with more direct and active verbs. Consider the difference between: “The girl was standing by the door, waiting for him […]

2015-11-11T19:39:42-04:00November 11, 2015|On Writing, The Finding Place, Young Writers!|

Why I Love to Write for Children

When my daughter was about six or so, we were walking in a forest. It was mid morning. She paused, looked up through the trees and saw the faint outline of a moon in the sky. She turned to me, wary and suspicious. “That should not be there,” she said. I was reminded of a similar feeling I had had at about the same age. I was walking home from school on my own, because that was still something six year olds could do, back then. Cutting across a park, I saw what was probably a carpet of mist and dew caused by English fog. I was certain, however, that it was an endless network of spider-like webs, suffocating the world. I ran home as […]

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